::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Testimonials of Encounters International married couples. i
Featured Married Couples
* June 2013
Rob and Katerina F
from San Diego, CA
* June 2013
Ray and Ella H
from MA
* September 2009
Ken and Svetlana
from MD
* October 2008
David and Lidia
from MD
* May 2004
Sam and Sveta
from PA
* November 2007
Hal and Maria
from CA
* October 2007
Jeff and Nadia
from VA
* August 2007
David and Marina
from VA
* August 2006
Rodger and Julia
from CA
* March 2006
Sam and Antonina
from MD
* October 2005
Tom and Irina
Ladd from VA
* September 2005
Jeff and Svetlana
King from MD
* May 2005
Charlie and Alla
Lowrie from MD
* April 2005
Kurt and Elena
Landrus from AR
* March 2005
Steve and Tatiana
Chilcotte from PA
* June 2004.
Mark and Irina
Davis from GA
* May 2004.
John and Vera
LaSala from MD
* November 2003
Jeff and Natasha Rushka from VA
* 2002
Eddie and Elena Schafer from NY
* 2000
Don and Zhanna
Skalitzki from CA
* 2000
Lee and Olga
Schaffer from GA
* 1999
Steve and Mila
Myers from NJ
* 1998
Bill and Inna B.
from MD
* 1998
Jeff and Natasha F.
from KY
* 1997
Oliverand Irina B.
from FL

Rob and Kateriana F from San Diego, CA

(married in June 2013 )

Rob and Katerina


In Rob's words:

Before I begin I want to express my sincere thanks to Lena Sikorskaya-Hisel & Gregory Hisel, Yuliya Kaushan, Natasha Spivack & the Staff of Encounters International, & Steve Lapointe for all there efforts, patience, & hard work which resulted in my recent marriage to Kateryna Shcherbakova, “The Most Wonderful Lady in the World” & “The Lady of My Dreams.” Not only do have I a wonderful wife & life time partner I also made four (4) new life time friends.

Bar none, Natasha Spivack’s match making service “Encounters International” is the best & most professionally operated match making service in the world!!!

My name is Robert Freiman I like to be called “Rob.” I live in San Diego, California. I join Encounters International in November 2011 at the recommendation of my friend & current member Steve LaPointe.

Our Love Story begins on Monday, March 25, 2013 at 8:10pm. I remember the day, the date, the exact time, & even what I was doing because this moment my life changed forever. I contact Natasha to get some additional information about Kateryna, and Natasha reveals that she’s communicating with another man. I decide that if I was going to meet this lady I better send her a letter soon.

Imagine... I’m enjoying some quiet time at home watching television. The telephone rings. I glance down at the Caller ID to see who’s calling. I recognize the Connecticut area code. I think to myself, “Why is my uncle calling at such hour. It’s 11:10pm on the east coast. It must be an emergency” so I immediately pick up the phone.

To my bewilderment it wasn’t my uncle. It wasn’t even anyone I knew. A woman in a heavy Russian accent asks, “Is this Robert?” To say I’m a little confused is an understatement. This must be some kind of joke or something.

I confirm her question. She continues, “My name is Lena, but you don’t know me” which confirms I wasn’t losing my mind. Now I’m thinking, “This is getting weirder by the minute”, but I’m intrigued so I let the conversation continue just to see what it leads to.

Lena puts me at ease... “I’m a friend of Kateryna. She would like to talk to you, but she doesn’t understand English very well. This isn’t a problem though because I can make a 3-way call & be your interpreter. Is this okay? She asks, “Will you be home in 20 minutes?” Again I confirmed her question. Lena told me that she’ll call back as soon as she can get Kateryna on the telephone. To say the least I’m totally elated & completely surprised, & taken aback.

At 8:40pm the telephone rings again. It’s Lena & I can hear Kateryna’s voice in the background. Wow!! My head is spinning due to the excitement of the moment. I introduce myself & ask Kateryna how she’s doing. I can sense a little nervousness in her voice as she replies, good. Lena is very helpful & very patient with us & we have a very pleasant initial conversation. In conclusion I must say that I’m very pleased the way things went down. At the end of the conversation Kateryna & I agreed to communicate again later in the week. Wow!!

On Friday, March 29th we Skype for the first time. Wow!! Kateryna is more beautiful & sexy than her photos portray. We Skype everyday (except 3 days) while she’s in Baltimore. I feel like I know Kateryna well & I like everything about her. After ten days of long & intense conversations I fall deeply in love with this wonderfully elegant, beautiful, sexy, intelligent, kind, caring lady. I’m going to propose marriage.

I plan a magical vacation including a romantic sunset hot air balloon ride over majestic La Jolla, California including a celebratory champagne toast, a sushi dinner, dancing at a night club, a day at the beach & Sea World. I invite Kateryna to spend a 3-day weekend in San Diego in May. We continue to Skype nightly...

She arrives at San Diego International Airport on Thursday night, May 30th. I make eye contact with her at the top of the escalator with two dozen roses in hand. Our eyes locked!! Wow!! She’s more beautiful & darling than I ever imagined. She’s Perfect!! I help her with her luggage & then we head back to the hotel.

Friday morning we have breakfast & then go to the beach. After a beautiful, warm, sunny day we prepare for a Special, Secretly Planned, Surprise Event!! As we drive to the secret destination I add a little suspense to the day by giving Kateryna mysterious hints about what I planned for the evening. The more hints I give her the more confused she gets. Kateryna wants to know where we’re going but I make it so she has a difficult time making any sense out of my hints.

When we arrive at the hot air balloon meeting site Kateryna is quite impressed with all the activity. We watch as the crew assemble the hot air balloons & wait for our turn to board. The lift-off is smooth & as quiet as can be. We’re floating 300 ft. above ground. The views are phenomenal!! Kateryna is taking photos of the other balloons, the magnificent custom estates below, & the horizon at sunset.

At mid-point during the flight I take my diamond wedding ring set out of my pocket & show Kateryna. At first it doesn’t connect with her what I’m doing. When she realizes what’s in store for her I accidentally on purpose lose a identical jewelry box over the side of the hot air balloon basket. To be dramatic I act like I just lost my most valuable possession. “Oh No!!” We’re both looking out over the edge of the basket as the white jewelry box is getting smaller & smaller as it travels down to the ground getting smaller & smaller & finally goes completely out of sight. “Oh No!!”

hot air balloon Rob and Katerina on hot air balloon

Kateryna is dumb-founded to say the least, her hands are covering her eyes in total shock. After a moment I take her hands to calm her down; but she is in such a state of shock she doesn’t know what to do or say. I try to pull her hands away from her face to show her the real engagement ring, but she’s so tense that she refuses to remove her hands from her face. When she finally relaxes a little I’m able to move her hands away from her face. I go down on one knee. I say to Kateryna, “I love you very, very much & I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” After a moment of deep thought Kateryna accepts, the other passengers applaud, & they all offer their congratulations. We engage in a prolonged post-engagement kiss. Wow!! Rob is finally going to marry the Lady of His Dreams!! Now... I want to remind everyone that my marriage proposal occurs just 20 hrs. after meeting Kateryna in person for the very first time. Wow!!

We begin our descent as dramatically & as smoothly we ascended. The view is magnificent!! Soon the tree tops are almost close enough to touch. The pilot does a great job flying the balloon back to the landing site & we enjoy a very smooth landing. After being driven back to our car we go to a nice, romantic restaurant & enjoy a delicious sushi dinner.

After breakfast on Saturday morning we enjoy a fun-filled day at Sea World. We see some shows, including the sea otters, the dolphins, & a comedy show. In the evening we go to a small quaint night club for some drinks & dancing. To say the least Kateryna was the best looking lady, the best dressed lady, & the best dancer too!!

Sunday is our last full day of Kateryna’s San Diego vacation so we decid to spend some quiet time at the mall & do some shopping a Victoria’s Secrets. For dinner we enjoyed phenomenal twin lobster tail dinners.

Monday morning I take Kateryna back to the airport for her return trip to Baltimore so she can take care of a few loose ends & pack her clothes for her relocation to San Diego to become Mrs. Robert B. Freiman. Wow!! I’m marrying the best lady in the world. Wow!! Wow!! Wow!!

I’m feeling very sad to see her go; but I know that she’ll be back in just 3 short weeks, (June 20th). Coooool!! We continue Skyping every evening & the morning of June 20th. We plan to get married on our 3-month anniversary (June 25th) of our very first telephone conversation. I made arrangements for a simple, civil wedding with plans to make a more festive wedding party in the future.

Before I knew it it was Thursday, June 20th. With my signature 2 dozen roses in hand I once again trek down to San Diego International Airport to pick up My Lady. Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!

On Tuesday, June 25th we’re pronounced Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Kateryna Freiman. We celebrate our Anniversary every month!! We’ve never been so happy in our lives!!

P.S. - Kateryna is the “Darling” of my family. My Mom is so in love with My Kateryna that she introduces her to her friends as “My Daughter!” My Dad smiles very big & is always extremely happy when we she kisses him hello when we visit.

Mr. Mrs. Robert & Kateryna Freiman

Rob and Katerina with family

In Katerina's words:   Я очень рада,что Роби наконец-то  нашёл время и написал Вам нашу" Историю любви".Роби постарался и результат Вы видели.Я  просила его по возможности сократить письмо.  Но Вы знаете Роби.  Короче у него  никак не выходит.  Я высылаю Вам несколько наших фотографий  вдвоём с Роби,а  также в кругу семьи. Наташа,я повторюсь,но ещё раз большое Вам спасибо за Роби! С уважением к Вам, Екатерина.








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