::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

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End of the Summer Swimming Pool and BBQ Party

Woodley Gardens Swimming Pool

Saturday, August 25, 2012 from 5 PM to 9 PM

850 Nelson Street, Rockville, MD

We started the summer season with the Swimming Pool Social (Memorial Weekend '12) and we are saying "do svidania" - "good by" to the summer at the same swimming pool, that had seen many of Encounters International matches over the years. No wonder that every pool party is like a little reunion of couples and singles who come to EI in order to be a couple. So, if you couldn't attend the Memorial Day social, this is your second "make up" opportunity. There will be none after that... at least in the swimming pool and at least this year.


So, put on your best swimming suites, bring your food basket and expect an excitement of meeting new members and reconnect with the old friends.

Party Details:

  • Entrance fee is $5.00 paid to the pool management. John Bell, the owner of Woodley Gardens Swimming Center and EI member extends lifetime annual free admission to all EI members on Memorial Day weekend. A reduced fee of $5.00 is what we pay at all other times, when we have a party in his pool.
  • Party gas grill is provided by the pool managements. As usual, we all bring our own food to grill and share and our own drinks.
  • Swimming pool has a dancing deck and everybody is encouraged to bring their favorite dancing music.
  • Swimming is not required to attend the party, however, the water temperature will be too perfect for not taking advantage of it. So, bring your swimming suites "just in case", even if you don't plan to jump into the water.
  • Bring your cameras and take pictures. This is the perfect setting for that.
  • All members and Get to Know Us Members are welcome!
  • All children of our members are welcome!

Russian Psychic and Healer answers EI members' questions

and gives advice at EI July '12 Social

Slide show from July 28, 2012 Social

.On behalf of all EI clients I want to thank Elena, a Russian healer and psychic, for her hard work during the social. As the party progressed, the number of clients eager to have their questions answered was getting bigger. I hope that everybody became a little more confident and received peace of mind as a result of the meeting with Elena. Aren't we all depend on that peace of mind and confidence in the matters of heart?

Thank you, Elena, for reinforcing our confidence! Now, next social on Saturday, August 25, 2012 is the perfect opportunity for all the predictions made by Elena to be materialized!

3946589 visitors since 07/01/98.



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