::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

EI New Generation
* 2008
The Ramsist family
* 2007
The Torches family
* 2006
The Chapins family
* 2005
The Ludwigs family
* 2004
Birth of 100th baby
* 2004
The Mitchells family
* 2004
The Johansons family
* 2003
The Chabots family
* 2003
The Skalitzkis family

Gary & Yelena Johanson (married in 1999)
with their sons Eric and Kevin

We would like you to know that we had newest addition to our family on December 7th, 2003. His name is Kevin and his BIG 3-year old brother Eric is really excited about all this.
Thank you for helping it all happened.
Gary, Elena, Eric and Kevin Johanson

The Johansons family update three years later, in 2006

the Johansons

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