From The Desk Of
Natasha Spivack

Founder and President

Natasha Spivack

The Encounters International
"Handbook of Knowledge"


"Everything that you never knew you needed to know about finding the woman of your dreams!"


Introduction and Overview

My staff and I have spent immeasurable hours developing this section of the new and improved Encounters International web site. It is my firm belief that an informed client is a better client. I know that the more research a prospective client does, the sooner you will realize that Encounters International is the best choice if you are really serious about finding the woman of your dreams!

I am not a marketing expert or super sales woman. Therefore, you will not see any 'in your face' sales pitch on the individual 'Handbook' sections. It is not my intention to try to talk you into becoming a member of Encounters International. You are here right now because we already have your interest. Perhaps, you have attended an overseas social or purchased a few addresses. Then again, this may be a first time inquiring and researching the subject. It doesn't matter what level of experience you have, you will most learn something new in the following Handbook sections.

Our old FAQ pages discussed Russian women and their benefits for American men. However, over the past few years, I have learned that prospective clients are no longer interested in these questions or areas. Every agency web site on the Internet deals with these and other related issues. I won't insult your intelligence by repeating old (very old) news.

It is in both our best interests for you to be a well informed shopper, armed with facts, not self-serving fiction. It is my goal to give you the facts you need to know if Encounters International is for you. In the long term, there is nothing to be gained by 'selling' you on our program and then have you discover it is not for you. Then I have a dissatisfied client which is not good for either one of us.

There is a huge amount of information within these pages. It is not my intention to intimidate, but rather inform. My typical first telephone conversation, with a prospective client, lasts just over 40 minutes! During that time, I can cover only a small fraction of the material I present for you here. The information inside this handbook has not been complied anywhere else. We can provide information that other agenies cannot because Encounters International has been in business since 1993.

After preparing the first Handbook section, it became obvious that different formats were needed. To that end, you will find three versions of each page. There is an on-screen page which is well suited for reading on your PC or Mac. There is also a printer friendly format which is easier to print because the graphics have been removed. Finally, a Microsoft Word97 document format is available for down loading directly to your system.

You will probably want to print out the pages, sit back, relax, and read them. Please feel free to take your time and thoroughly review the information on the following pages. Also, you may wish telephone or e-mail me with anything that you feel needs additional clarification. I really want to know if we missed explaining any part of the sections in the detail needed for you to understand fully.

Here's the bottom line... I don't think that Encounters International is for everyone! After reviewing this in-depth material, then make an informed decision if our program is for you. Now, allow me to present research and direct comparison material for your consideration. Please make your selection from the tables below.

Navigation Links


1. How do I know that I am not simply a ticket out of Russia for a woman?


2. Sorting Through The Type and Hype


3. From Your First Mouse Click To The Last 'I Do,' Encounters International Is Holding Your Hand Along The Way!


Contents Under Construction--Please Be Patient
Some of the sections below are not complete. We are working very hard to get these sections ready for prime time viewing. However, thelogo indicates pages that are essentially complete. Just keep scrolling down and you will see what I mean...

4. What is the Encounters International success guarantee?


5. Why don't you allow women from outside Moscow or Kiev to join Encounters International?


6. Why did Encounters International decide to limit the database to only 400 women?


7. How often does Encounters International update the database?


8. Why do Encounters International women occasionally appear on other web sites or in address seller catalogs?


9. What are you looking at?

October 2000 RealVideo Enhancement Announced


10. Do you understand a word I am saying?


11. Let me make one thing perfectly clear!


12. Why does Encounters International ask women about their religion?


13. How do I know when it's time to go to Moscow or Kiev?


14. When I'm overseas, what kind of support and help can I expect from the Encounters International staff?


15. What is the difference between an overseas social and the Encounters International Saturday Club?


16. What level of income do I need to successfully participate in the Encounters International program?


17. What is the total cost of the Encounters International program?


18. What are some of the questions that Russian women ask Encounters International?


19. Where do I stand with Encounters International if she decides to return home after coming here?


20. Real People. Real Life. Real Stories. Real Encounters!


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Encounters International
10419 Snow Point Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20814 USA
Phone: (301) 530-7759
Fax: (301) 530-5564

©1999-2001 Encounters International
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