Some Nearly Random Thoughts About Encounters International by Ken Wells, Client
Mrs. Gump spoke that famous cliché of ‘wisdom’ to Forrest several years ago on the big screen. Unfortunately, I think she was wrong. Although life can be like a box of chocolates, it does not have to be. Sure, you can be oblivious to the fact that life has many different boxes of chocolates and take what you get. Or, you can open your eyes (wide) and see that chocolates come in boxes of varying quality.
The drug store quality box of chocolates does involve a lot of guesswork, risk, and chance. Pick a piece, stand near the sink or trashcan, and take your chance. On the other hand, inside a box of chocolates made by Godiva Chocolatier, Inc., you will find a sheet that describes the chocolates. Therefore, you do know what you are going to get—it’s a form of risk management. It costs a little more for the expertise. But, another cliché is, “you get what you pay for.”
When you buy a house, are you only concerned with and only focus on the selling price? Or, are the neighborhood, school system, crime rate, location, and cost of living of equal importance also? Purchasing a house is typically the largest expense in our life. We quickly realize that the inexpensive houses are not always in the place where we are comfortable living—one or more of our criteria is not going to be met.
Another equally challenging decision is looking for a life partner from Russia over the Internet. Perhaps this is the most important decision involving the heart we will ever make. You can go to one of many, Internet-based, address sellers, place an order, and receive addresses a few minutes later. Wow, instant gratification!
You are taking a chance—a big chance—with the seller, the address, and most of all the women. As with the drug store brand box of chocolates, hopefully you are standing near the sink or trashcan when you embark on this risky business transaction. Think about this for a moment. How many people have you interfaced with during either transaction? Unless you have a problem and a lot of time, the answer is none. This is definitely not the best neighborhood to be flashing money in. Actually, Mrs. Gump was right when you apply her wisdom to this scenario of finding true love in Russia. “…You never know you’re gonna get.” I have been this route. I know!
Encounters International is the equivalent of Godiva Chocolatier—only in a different field. You will find the helpful instruction sheet in the form of Natasha Spivack. The box of chocolates here is a time tested formula of success called, “the process.” You are not buying the chance to contact beautiful women and hope it works out. You are enlisting the help of Natasha and her staff to guide you along in the process. The process you will embark on sometimes requires a lot of handholding, explaining and comforting. Often, you will notice the calming effect at Encounters International is needed to keep you from jumping at the wrong time or in the wrong direction. Learning and growing as an individual is definitely part of the process.
Quite honestly, as you move through the various stages of the process, there will be bumpy times, dry spells and false starts. I’m not sure if that is a function of the process or just a result of being a man in search of a life partner! That is precisely why Encounters International is the preferred alternative to address sellers, and social schedulers.
Brother, I can tell you that the process is a life changing series of events over a compact period of time. If you expect to be the same man when you finish with the process as when you began, Encounters International is not the place for you.
I don’t want to give you the impression that the Encounters International process is a fixed number of steps or stages with a set start and end time. The process is different for each client. That is really the cool thing about dealing with Encounters International. We all start at point “A” and end at point “Z”. Simply put, it is the lines between points “B” to “Y” that are quite blurred. Fortunately, Natasha is ensuring that you stay on track, with your goal in sight.
For some men I speak with, the stumbling block is the membership fee. It is expensive to join Encounters International. Likewise, it is expensive to buy a quantity of addresses or travel overseas for socials. Encounters International does not provide either: because these strategies are not often successful and are not within the realm of the process. No matter what other route you select or strategy you employ; buying addresses, attending a social, or running a personal advertisement, you are going to have to proceed alone! If you don’t become totally discouraged, at some point, you will return to consider joining Encounters International. That’s the other recurring theme I hear from prospective and new clients.
What’s my role at Encounters International? I guess I function as an elder statesman that has been through the process here. I have made a larger than average number of mistakes along the way. I share these openly and honestly with anyone who asks. It helps me to discuss these and it will help you to know about my lessons. In addition to my own experiences, I have defaulted to some sort of clearinghouse for war stories—both good and bad.
One final thought. There is something at Encounters International that is not available elsewhere. Unfortunately, it is not something that is easy to describe or put into words (verbal or written). I think it may be a sense of peace that comes with knowing you made the right decision. Yea, that is corny stuff! But, I said it was difficult to quantify. You will feel it just before you join, indicating that the time is right and this is the correct course of action. You will feel it throughout the process as you move toward the right woman in your life. After you experience this, perhaps you will be able to explain this aspect of Encounters International to me someday! Until then, I wish you all the best.
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